Who We Are
We are leaders from Huron North's municipalities, First Nations, business owners and organizations.
Our focus is:
Regional collaboration.
Sharing of resources.
Collectively supporting business enterprise in the region.
Advocating and partnering with organizations on behalf of the region.
Cooperative strategic planning.
Promoting Huron North as an ideal destination to visit, live and invest.

John (Jock) Pirrie
Chair - Municipal

Vice Chair

Tamara Ashawsega
Secretary/Treasurer - At Large

Jon Cada
Director - First Nation

Keith Hoback
Director - At Large

Robin Green
Director - Municipal

Shane Rock
Director - Municipal

Cynthia Campbell
Economic Development Officer
Community is the courage, creativity and capacity to inspire participation, development and sustainability for strong communities.
Gustav Nossal
Our ResourceTeam
HNCEA could not be where it is today without the support of our dynamic resource team.